Your Simarine PICO will show your Battery as "OFFLINE" if it does not have a voltmeter assigned to it. To assign a voltmeter to your battery, take the following steps:
STEP 1: Press the circle button to enter the settings menu and use the arrow keys to scroll down to "DEVICES"
STEP 2: Press the circle button to enter the "DEVICES" menu and use the arrow keys to scroll down to "BATTERIES"
STEP 3: Press circle to enter the "BATTERIES" menu and use the arrow keys to navigate to the battery that is displaying as "OFFLINE". Press the circle button again
STEP 4: Navigate to the voltmeter setting and choose the voltmeter that your battery is connected to. In most systems this will be "SC303 U1" or "SC301 U1"
STEP 5: Confirm and save the battery configuration with the back arrow. The battery should no longer display as "OFFLINE"
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